Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Not what I had planned

This is not what I had planned for the start of my return to exercising and MTBiking...
Sunday while working on my truck, I strained my back something painful, enough that in the middle of the night trying to turn over in bed it actually bought tears to my eyes...OUCH!!!

I doing better today, so I'm going to let it rest for another day and hopefully by Thursday I'll be ready to go...

Sunday also brought bad news from one of my MTBiking friends who was on a tour ride out by Coldwater, mi. and crashed and as it stands their knee is fractured and maybe torn ligaments...

The moon must not have been in the right quadrants Sunday...

I did manage to get my measurement taken Monday though, which I have boxed out on the side of the blog under Starting Body Measurements...

You have a good day & let's be careful out there...



  1. Dang it Tom, don't hurt yourself anymore or I'll kick you LOL.

    Get better soon.

  2. She back... You feeling better yourself? and yes I am in deep need of getting back in shape...

  3. After 2 sinus pills and an ibuprofrin......yes. It's supposed to be raining tonight and that will only bring about more mold in the air though....
