Saturday, May 30, 2009

Monday, June 1st activies

Since in all actuality this coming Monday although it being June 1st is a off day, but I will be doing other things for 'My MTB Comeback Adventure'

I have a photographer (who is donating their time and camera work) coming to do before pictures of me. I will be up-dating these every 3 mths.

I will also be taking measurements of my neck, waist, thighs, calves, biceps, etc. these will be up-dated every 3 mths also.

I will weight myself and up-date weekly.

I will be setting up kitchen area (actually have started this already) for ease of making my energy drinks and pure fruit smoothies and cooking.

Making sure my weight room & exercise equipment, chart board is set and all ready.

The hardest part of any dream or adventure is getting started. The other hardest part is following through. Anyone can talk about climbing Mt Everest or jabber all day about how they would like to kayak around Greenland or even race in the Transrockies. Most don't realize what it takes to make a dream/adventure come true - sure some wishing, some prayers but besides that the countless hours of planning and re-planning, the training, the money, overcoming health issues, the sponsorships (if any), TIME! and then the mental part of getting yourself psyched up and attaining the motivation and keeping it during the failing parts, the loneliness and the drudge parts ( 2 hrs on rollers). Did I mention TIME!

Most people only see the after effects of things. They will watch Tiger Woods and say how lucky he is to do that or 'Man I wish I could be him or do that' or read about Warren Buffet and say how fortunate he is to be so rich. They do not see the struggles, the failures, the trials and errors. They have no idea of the sacrifices they have made, the steadfast efforts they have put forth or the faith they have exercised, so as to conquer the unconquerable and realize the dream of their hearts.

The idea you toss around in your head, the dream that keeps your heart beating rapidly every time you think about it - this you will construct your life by, this you will become. Not by chance, although a small percentage of some do make it this way, but by effort which builds into results. The measure of these results - success, admiration, honor, power, material possessions, intellectual ownership, etc. are the fruits of those efforts. They are plans completed, goals accomplished, dreams realized...

Have a good day & let's be careful out there


I'll give up cycling when they pry my cold, dead fingers from the handlebar.

I Luv Climbing ___/\/\/\___

Soon to start!!!

June 1st is getting close and as we all knows that starts 'My Adventure' back to MTBiking and possibly new and better things. I want to thank all who so far has join in to follow and/or commented... Keep the faith!


Thursday, May 28, 2009

Life Rest Days - Spiritual Rest Days

Good morning all! Did a short 3 mile ride this morning, with a misty rain in the air and some light basic exercises ( push-ups, sit-ups, wind-mills, jumping jacks)

Several people have questioned me as to what I mean by Life/Spiritual Rest days, so I figured I would write a little about that, while eating my oatmeal, a cup of yogurt and drinking some green tea.

Life rest days -I classify them as physical rest days from everyday life routines. Most people see these days as away from their regular 'day jobs' or schooling like as in 'the weekend' or 'my vacation' or maybe just a Sunday.

We all need these type days or else physical burn-out begins and soon stress builds and then BAM!, we're done for and nature forces us to take rest days by way of physical sickness and fatigue.

So it is when exercising - rest from doing everyday strenuous bodily workouts provides the opportunity for the body to repair its muscles and aid in their growth. As our body's grow older and if during this time period you are also active physically, rest and recovery are very important. Over training at any stage of exercise will not only kill the enjoyment but possibly you too.

So rest days from life's normal routine things and from everyday exercise is necessary and what I call my exercising rest days (not my everyday routine rest days) during June, will be Mon., Wed. and Fridays of each week.

Spiritual Rest Days -I classify these as times for me to kinda center myself mentally & physically with nature, others and the universe. I combine these days with physical rest days as well. I am not a religious person and by that I mean organized religion and all it's gatherings.

I am a spiritual person, I believe we were created by forces that we can't as puny humans, even come close to totally understanding, at least not yet. We are part of the natural Earthly environment. Our bodies are made up of 100% all natural Earth elements. ( except for them darn Hostess Susie Q's I eat, but I figure hey, my family will save insurance money because they won't need to embalm me) So part one of our make-up as humans is a physical Earth form made from parts of Earths elements, which is taken care of by physically resting it as wrote about above.

Our other part is the spirit part, some call this the soul, I call it the invisible mental part of our brain, (thoughts). Whatever human name you give it doesn't matter, what matters is that in reality it's a part of our being, it's the part of us that comes not from Earth physical elements but from invisible Universal elements (cause & effect) and just like our bodies we need to care for it.

Getting wrapped up in the everyday material world is a 24 hour job and we need to conduct ourselves in a noble manner towards other and other things, so that we can ascend spiritually to Divine Perfection. We do this by the choice and administering of right thoughts to our lives, (cause & effect). I take stock of these right thoughts by taking spiritual rest days.

I chose when my spiritual & physical rest days will occur by the moon phases, (full, quarter, new). If you look you'll see that most months a certain phase of the moon occurs anywhere between 6 to 9 days apart, so for me it make perfect sense to use Earth and Moon planetary cycles to attach my rest days to, as they are by nature perfectly spaced apart. (maybe by universal design for us humans?) Another part of my Spiritual rest days is what I call 'retreat days' which I do for 3 days during season changing time on Earth.

What I should be doing and what I have been doing on rest days has been highly changeable lately and starting June 1st, I will be trying to apply more of my being and thoughts into them. But I haven't minded the changeability too much, as that also is part of our human make-up, adapting to changes we might have to make to our plans in order to serve a better purpose for someone or something else. It's just that I now am feeling out of sorts lately and if I want to focus myself on achieving my MTBiking comeback than I am going to have to seriously take my spiritual rest days.

I will write more on what constitutes the make-up of my spiritual rest and retreat days later, but life's duty's are calling me...

Have a good day...


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Plan

OK, I rode 5 slowww miles today and didn't feel bad, I was huffing and puffing. My shoes were a little tight, might have to get me some new ones or smaller feet.

Anyway here's my workout plan for the month of June as I have it so far:

Mon, Weds. and Fridays will be rest days from workouts, and also the 7th, 15th, 22th and 29th of June, them being my regular monthly spiritual rest days.

Tues., Thurs., Sat. I have scheduled 1-1/2 hr workouts and on Sun. a 2 hr. workout.
These workouts will be about re-establishing my pulmonary & cardiovascular fitness base. Being 57 years old and having had a long battle with a collapsed lung, chronic pneumonia / Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome and Depression, I am in need of getting my body use to training consistently while building my immune system up again.

This will be accomplished by long easy rides, which will include 3 or 4 - 4 minute LT intervals. Along with these rides I will be doing minor strength exercises too. Over training is one matter I will have to be careful to avoid in the coming months of workouts.

Depending on how I feel, etc. later in the month I will throw in some alternating power intervals and try some VO2 intervals, while increasing the time of my LT intervals also.


As for other riding plans. I am planning that between June 2nd and Nov. 30th of this year, I want to concentrate on just re-establishing my fitness and health, with maybe one or two local MTB races come Sept./Oct.

For Dec. 2009 - March 2010, keeping shape and health as much as weather will permit and not trying to lose to much base or fitness that I have established from earlier year.

April 2010 - Nov. 2010, train, ride, race different venues (maybe going out to Durango,Colorado and ride with Ned) with all of it leading up to doing the TR3 in August and then the Iceman Cometh in Nov.

Well that's it for now, have a safe week and check back regularly...



“I'll give up cycling when they pry my cold, dead fingers from the handlebar.”

I Luv Climbing ___/\/\/\___

Friday, May 22, 2009

The Adventure

I love riding my bike, there is nothing like competing in mountain bike races or just traveling the countryside, but due to a long illness I have not been riding much or even at all for close to a year and a half now.

I have set a date of June 1st, 2009 to get back to doing it and seeing if I can reach the goals I have set before me for the next 2 years.

So join in, follow and help encourage this old, out of shape cyclist as I try to transform myself into a lean, mean cycling machine and maybe, just maybe help others along the way during my adventure back into the cycling world...

Thank you for visiting my blog...


“I'll give up cycling when they pry my cold, dead fingers from the handlebar.”

I Luv Climbing ___/\/\/\___