Saturday, April 24, 2010

Start - Fail - Restart - Success?

Last post shows July 2009 - Where has all the time gone? especially when I feel like I have accomplished nothing, absolutely nothing pertaining to getting back to cycling...let alone my life. So many dreams, so many ideas, so many talks and yet nothing.

My first post for this blog was a little over a year ago and now here I am again trying one more time to re-start my dreams.

One thing that has made it hard is support, local close by riding support and companions. My friends do not ride (they do golf though), so it makes it hard when you're the only one chasing a dream, an idea. You get into a mode of 'the less you do the more you do nothing'

I don't know where this is going at the moment, I don't know even what tomorrow will bring. I do know that I'm not getting any younger, that life is short and in a blinking of an eye a persons life, a family's plans,etc. can change or shatter in pieces.

This past year has had some good & bad in it, some family members have had a bad year, with one battling Pancreatic & Lung Cancer and another with Prostrate Cancer and yet at the same time a new grandchild was born. Some money problems, some personal health issues again, etc. In all I guess that is what life is about for most people - Living through challenges the best you can and striving towards renewal. Just wonder sometimes if it's possible that one person can have so much illness and death in their life that eventually it affects their outlook on life?

So with a little help from all of you and others, maybe I can try to re-start this dream (which I will post about tomorrow morning) and accomplish it before the twinkle of life runs out for me...


  1. Good luck to you on this! I have had my own failures when it comes to exercising & getting my extra weight off. I know a lot right now is emotional & not the normal emotional that a person would expect with the loss of a parent.

  2. Thanks Cindy, and yes emotions can play a big part in a person actions all the way from complete depression to taking ones own life. Been there in my younger days, with my mom dying when I was 13, etc. etc.

    I know it's a cliche but the thing is you have to just keeping pushing through, until some type of clearing show up..
