Sunday, July 11, 2010

Reality Day at the TDF....

I have almost every book written about Lance, I have a signed 2000 team poster, every mountain his has climb these past 8/9 TDFs I have virtually climbed with him.

It hurt to watch today, hurt inside when I was watching him & the boys racing back to the peloton after first crash I thought to myself their using all their energy up and than the 2nd one came and I knew it was over, I knew that Lance would not make it back this time.

Still though as a true Armstrong supporter in the back of my mind I keep thinking maybe there will be one stage victory down the line, maybe the team will come up with some miracle move that will let Lance outfox the rest and he'll be on that podium in Paris or maybe, maybe I will just watch the rest of the tour in silence. Quietly knowing that after all these years of watching him, reading about him, cussing him, cheering him, wearing the yellow bracelet, placing him up in the sky like Superman = after all that, we now know that he really was just a normal guy who just wanted to ride a bike…

It's been fun Lance and thanks for all the great memories, clips, pictures, quotes, etc and thanks especially for encouraging us to...


Friday, July 9, 2010

Action over mental...

When life's troubles seem to much to handle & the world seems completely crazy & friends & family don't understand you, sometimes, well sometimes you just have to go off & climb that mountain, stand on the top of it, strip naked and.......


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Against The Wind

We've all had to fight against the wind (meaning the hardships that everyday life throws at us) in some form or another. In them times it's always nice to know there is family, friends there for you but some don't have that luxury, some have nothing and/or no one to turn to or they don't know where or how.

So I'm going to jump in and help a few causes. Mainly I'll be writing, speaking, bicycling, walking, fund raising, etc. about: 1. Hunger (being my main topic) 2.Hearing Loss 3.Cancer - All 3 issues at one time or another in past and present have affected me, my family and friends.

I will be posting information, awareness articles, places where you can find help, my bike rides, new advances in research or studies, etc. Basically anything I can find that seems to have some importance I will post. There is a solid base of research that shows some cancers can be avoided by proper nutrition. Beside helping stock food banks I will also be advocating about growing food your self... I will still continue to post my usual other articles on here too about my biking. feelings, etc. etc.

All the fund raising that I will be doing will have an accompanying site and instructions showing where donations can be made. All donations made by you to the organizations I list will be tax deductible.

I will be asking for no monies for myself, although gifts (cash/products/services) to help with some of my expenses will always be appreciated. Please contact me at if you so desire to help in that way.

I already have planned one fund raising ride for this year. I'll be riding from Luna Pier, MI. to New Buffalo, MI. (215 miles) trying to raise awareness & funds for The Food Bank Council of Michigan - At the present time the ride will take place between Sept 16th and Sept 22th, which coincides with this years start of FBCM 20th annual Michigan Harvest Gathering campaign... Not all details are configured yet so please check back to see further updates.

Thank you all and I hope we can join together to help those whose needs are greater than ours...

PS: It may take a while for me to get all this out and online as I also want to try and set up a FaceBook page and such, so please be patient.. In the mean time you can follow what I do through this blog or follow me on Twitter or Facebook